The Team

Deeya, Rehab+Deeya Mahadooa – Therapist: Remedial , Strength & Conditioning, Psychology
Qualifications: Master of Science Mental Health Psychology, BA(Hons) Psychology, Diploma of Remedial Massage, ASCA Level 1 Strength & Conditioning, Advanced Dry Needling.
Deeya focuses on identifying pain sources by recognising muscular imbalances and compensation patterns to then retrain the body into better patterns, with consideration of mental health factors that can contribute to pain or hinder recovery. Repeatedly seeing the gap in health-care, she strives to bridge the gap between various avenues of health to provide a complete care package, increase the trust between individuals and health services and offer the most possible to achieve the best results.

Deeya's ultimate goal is to improve overall health and provide clients with the knowledge to manage their health independently and create better habits that will support good health for the long term. She works closely with individuals to understand them as a whole, what they need, and endeavours to help each person understand their own body and mind to gain their desired results, both physically and mentally.

She works with all ages and varying conditions, and has previous experience with Multiple Sclerosis, Dementia and Autism. 

Deeya has an extended knowledge various forms of training: strength & conditioning, running, sprinting, gym, with a large focus on technique and form. She also has a particular interest in head, neck and jaw related conditions.

Works in accordance with MMA's Code of Ethics and National Code of Conduct.
Chris Chris Vi –  Exercise Professional/Coach
Qualifications: PhD.c Medicine, B.Hlth & MedSc (Hons), B.BioMedSc, Cert III & IV Fitness, Level 1 Powerlifting Coach, Sports Trainer
Chris is a coach with knowledge and experience in athletics, strength & conditioning, sport specific training and athletic development with an avid focus towards speed development and sprint training. Through his studies in biomedical sciences and medical research, he has a developed a unique understanding of human physiology and adaptations which he applies to training and sports injury rehab.

Chris is a seasoned athlete having excelled in various sports from a young age, from semi-professional soccer to bodybuilding, powerlifting and currently track & field sprinting with the Victorian Athletics League. This has also given him a greater outlook and ability to apply various training priniciples to each individual and athlete of all calibres, creating tailored programs to improve their overall performance and reach their full potential.

Currently, Chris is completing his PhD (Medicine) in Cancer Research, developing novel agents to better detect and diagnose breast cancer at an early stage to improve patient prognosis.
RachelRachel Longchar – Osteopath
Qualifications: Master of Public Health, BHSc/BAppSc Osteopathy, BSc Biochemistry, Level 2 Advanced Dry Needling & Cupping, Cert. Tensengrity Reformer Pilates.

Rachel has a strong interest in health and wellbeing and loves learning about the human body. In addition to being an osteopath, she also holds a Master of Public Health and has extensive experience working in community health, the public hospital system, mental health and health promotion. 

Rachel is passionate about empowering her patients to develop a better understanding of why they are experiencing discomfort, and to work with them to explore strategies and tools that would enable patients to independently manage their health. Each treatment with Rachel is individualised and can incorporate a variety of osteopathic techniques, health education, exercise rehabilitation and stress management. She is also qualified to use dry needling as an adjunctive therapy.

In 2019, Rachel took part in a volunteering program in Bali, Indonesia where she had the opportunity to treat children living with physical and mental disabilities. Further, she has experience in the aged care sector providing osteopathic care to residents.

She is a health advocate dedicated to helping people from all walks of life to get back to the activities they enjoy following an injury, help those with chronic conditions to manage flareups and encourage everyone who is on a health journey to better understand their mind and body. She has a particular interest in acute and chronic pain, head, neck and TMJ related pain, headaches and migraines, spinal presentations, shoulder, hip and pelvic issues and, pre and post-natal conditions.

Currently, Rachel is also a sessional academic teaching into anatomy and physiology units at Victoria University.

Works in accordance with AHPRA's Code of Ethics and National Code of Conduct